Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Our church is going through a lot of change - one of the slogans happens to be "change is good" another one is "count me in". This all comes on the heels of the REVEAL survey results. This morning at breakfast we were talking about the New Community move from Thursday night to Wednesday night and how it would impact our family. While we were talking my daughter Nina said yes change is good! I asked where she heard that because I could not believe it. Her reply - Adventures in Odyssey - too cute.

This may seem like only words from a 5 year old - but actually they are quite profound - in the past year we made a major change in our church home and though it was hard both kids got on board and understood we were following God - a change that he had in mind for us. We talk a lot as a family and we explained why GCC was making changes -- to grow people and help us get closer to Christ - they get it!

Sometimes I feel like I am not doing enough to raise up Christ Followers and then I need to remember they are the generation of change - I did not follow Christ until I was 30 - this is all they know and when they get married and have kids THIS will be their starting point.

At this stage I need all the help I can get - from God, my husband, the church and our community. I need to be grateful and thankful for the life that God has given me, for my godly husband, for an awesome church that provides excellent opportunities that challenge me, that we live in a community that following Christ is more common than NOT!

Ephesians 3:20

1 comment:

J-La-Sta said...

You ARE doing more than enough to raise Christ Followers! You are a wonderful Mom! Keep on Keeping On! :) Missed you on Tuesday AM!