Tuesday, February 19, 2008

rain, rein, reign

Over and over again for the past few weeks these 3 little words keep coming back to me.

God rains down on me whenever I let him. He is there, full and overflowing ready to tip the bucket and pour his love out onto me -- am I going to soak it up or is it going to run right off ?

Am I going to give God the reins to my life? Will I let him steer me where he wants me to go? He knows the path that is ahead of me - the one I have never seen before. Will I listen when he nudges me right, when he tells me to jump, when he pulls me to a stop? Oh how I long to be that obedient!

He reigns! He is the King of Kings the Lord of Lords! He is the ruler - the loving, caring, compassionate One!

3 words with so much packed into them. Can I get it or is this a lesson that will be repeated over and over in my life in a painstakingly repetative manner so that I have the opportunity to own it?


Anonymous said...

Where have you been all my life?
Sounds like you are a woman after my own heart!

caryn said...

thanks michelle I have enjoyed reading your blog and seeing our husbands get connected lately!