Friday, May 16, 2008


Have you ever watched as a maple tree was blown by the wind and all those little whirlygig thingys (seed pods?) went flying through the sky like helicopters and then landed somewhere far from the tree to start a new one??

I just witnessed this as my daughter and I were eating lunch on our back porch and could not help but think about our service at GCC last night. Pastor Mark was talking about the command to GO into all the nations!

Is what I saw with the maple tree what we are supposed to look like as we do that? A time of flight away from tree and then plant somewhere else and grow or teach people to grow? And not just ONE seed pod flew today -- hundreds upon hundreds did -- the ground is covered - literally up to 75 feet from the tree. Is the tree the United States and my backyard the entire world??

GCC is launching an Elkhart Campus this fall at the Encore Cinemas and last night we were introduced to Jeff and Leslee Bell. Jeff will be the new campus pastor for Elkhart. He is excited, passionate and on fire for Christ and can't wait to reach the 88,000 people around the new campus.

God is a BIG God with BIG dreams for his people. After being at GCC for only a year I know they believe that - they dream big FOR God and want to impact the world for Christ. Just how many campuses will we see in the future? I am guessing that it will be more than I can ever dream or imagine:)

I am blessed to watch this all unfold. I have never been exposed to missions -- whether overseas or right in our own back yard. It scares me! I realized last night it scares me because I know it is not something I could accomplish on my own - God would have to be in it! This was an interesting moment for me at church.

I really just like to do things I am good at..... guess there's a lot of room for God to move in now that I realize it!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hon, you are so beautiful. You have the Spirit of God living in you! Me and the kids are etravagantly blessed by God because he has given us you! You are the one I want to grow old with, see up there come down here with, laugh with, cry with...I could go on. I love you!!